Gradually, as I train my mind to keep returning to these thoughts, it will become better able to stay focused. I'll then be in a better position to start experiencing the sweetness of silent communion with the Supreme.
I can create small intervals between thoughts. For example, may have been contemplating the role of God as my Supreme Mother, listing in my mind the qualities of God as the Mother. If I slow these thoughts, and start creating pauses between them, I'll allow the mind to move momentarily into a silence in which there'll be great refreshment.
This is the beginning of the fourth stage, that of realization of truth. Each one's capacity and ability to experience this stage is unique, and it happens in different ways for different individuals. But the essence, however described, is that I feel I am in God's presence, and God's qualities are resonating with my own original qualities, so that I feel my own fullest potential to be realized. In this experience, the mind comes to a state of absolute stillness, and my sanskaras - personality traits - are quiescent. It is not an empty silence, but one filled with peace, purity, love, wisdom and power.
This stage of realization comes as a unified whole: only afterwards can I put labels on different aspects of it, rather as someone might describe having had a good sleep only when they awaken. There is total absorption in the experience as it happens. Later, I will be able to say yes, I now know what love and truth really mean.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Power to Decide
The power to decide Sometimes, I'm not so much faced with a choice between truth and falsehood, as with having to balance competing aims or priorities in deciding on a course of action. There's huge value in getting this right, because poor judgment can entangle me in consequences from which it might take years to recover. If I'm deflected because of my attachments or desires, I'll lose my ability to decide accurately.
Understanding myself as a soul, and keeping my heart full and free through relationship with God, puts me in the best possible position to judge correctly. I'll be like the statue of Justice, wearing a blindfold as she carefully weighs the evidence: free from prejudice arising from superficial appearances, above the influence of situations and the emotions and opinions of others, perfectly centred, she is optimally placed to sense the right way forward.
The power to co-operate In India, there is a saying that when everyone gave a finger of co-operation, the mountain of sorrow was lifted. If we look with open eyes at the world of today, and at current social financial and environmental trends, it's clear that there is widespread suffering and sorrow, that it is likely to get worse, and that to remove it will be a task like lifting a mountain. Meditation ignites a conviction that the task will be done. Although we have such different backgrounds, cultures, personalities, and so on, meditation takes us to a place of understanding from which it becomes easy to share our resources, work together, and give our own finger of cooperation in the task.
The way meditation achieves this is interesting. Look at the other side - at what prevents co-operation: it is ego, where I am in a state of self-aggrandizement, hungry for personal praise or fame, and not concerned about the team. In ego, I think I am the only one who can do a task, the only one who knows, the one who is right. Ego kills cooperation. Ego is closely connected to body-consciousness. An enormous 'I and my' factor comes in when I think of myself as this body, and lose sight of the soul. My race, my colour, my gender, my physical appearance, my education, my family, my job, my position, my possessions - all these become part of the build-up of ego. Working with others, who may at any moment challenge my ego with their own distinct agendas and needs, becomes stressful.
The more I practise meditation, and develop and live with the consciousness that I am a non-physical soul, a being of light, the quicker the ego associated with all those physical factors melts away. Colouring myself with God's company, I see others as the children of God. I know myself as part of the family of human souls who have the same original qualities as me. In soul-consciousness, there is no way I can feel superior to others, though I'll value their specialities. We are brothers - equal, yet distinct.
In this consciousness, a natural humility develops a genuine respect for each other. There is a strength and happiness in the awareness of being a child of God, but I'll see others as the same. There is neither the ego of feeling superior, nor the inverted ego of an inferiority complex. I am not negating myself, I am recognizing the value of the self, but I'm also appreciating the value and qualities of all others around me.
The power to decide Sometimes, I'm not so much faced with a choice between truth and falsehood, as with having to balance competing aims or priorities in deciding on a course of action. There's huge value in getting this right, because poor judgment can entangle me in consequences from which it might take years to recover. If I'm deflected because of my attachments or desires, I'll lose my ability to decide accurately.
Understanding myself as a soul, and keeping my heart full and free through relationship with God, puts me in the best possible position to judge correctly. I'll be like the statue of Justice, wearing a blindfold as she carefully weighs the evidence: free from prejudice arising from superficial appearances, above the influence of situations and the emotions and opinions of others, perfectly centred, she is optimally placed to sense the right way forward.
The power to co-operate In India, there is a saying that when everyone gave a finger of co-operation, the mountain of sorrow was lifted. If we look with open eyes at the world of today, and at current social financial and environmental trends, it's clear that there is widespread suffering and sorrow, that it is likely to get worse, and that to remove it will be a task like lifting a mountain. Meditation ignites a conviction that the task will be done. Although we have such different backgrounds, cultures, personalities, and so on, meditation takes us to a place of understanding from which it becomes easy to share our resources, work together, and give our own finger of cooperation in the task.
The way meditation achieves this is interesting. Look at the other side - at what prevents co-operation: it is ego, where I am in a state of self-aggrandizement, hungry for personal praise or fame, and not concerned about the team. In ego, I think I am the only one who can do a task, the only one who knows, the one who is right. Ego kills cooperation. Ego is closely connected to body-consciousness. An enormous 'I and my' factor comes in when I think of myself as this body, and lose sight of the soul. My race, my colour, my gender, my physical appearance, my education, my family, my job, my position, my possessions - all these become part of the build-up of ego. Working with others, who may at any moment challenge my ego with their own distinct agendas and needs, becomes stressful.
The more I practise meditation, and develop and live with the consciousness that I am a non-physical soul, a being of light, the quicker the ego associated with all those physical factors melts away. Colouring myself with God's company, I see others as the children of God. I know myself as part of the family of human souls who have the same original qualities as me. In soul-consciousness, there is no way I can feel superior to others, though I'll value their specialities. We are brothers - equal, yet distinct.
In this consciousness, a natural humility develops a genuine respect for each other. There is a strength and happiness in the awareness of being a child of God, but I'll see others as the same. There is neither the ego of feeling superior, nor the inverted ego of an inferiority complex. I am not negating myself, I am recognizing the value of the self, but I'm also appreciating the value and qualities of all others around me.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
An Invisible Currency
The give and take in our actions and relationships is known in the East as karma. Although the currency of this exchange is invisible, we can think of our relationships as entailing investments and withdrawals, as in a bank account or a business. If I withdraw more than I invest, there will be trouble.
For example, an executive is travelling a lot and his secretary deals with a huge amount of work while he is away. Instead of acknowledging how much his success depends on her loyalty and accuracy, and the responsibility she is fulfilling, he remains obsessed with his sales figures. Such a situation can only go on for so long. Usually, there'll come a moment when, after giving so much, the lack of appreciation becomes intolerable. The loyal worker will suddenly quit, perhaps leaving chaos in her wake.
Appreciation, to an accountant, means an increase in the value of assets. In the same way, appreciation within relationships increases their durability and value. It's a positive energy, which, when invested well, adds to our stock of that invaluable asset - goodwill.
How would meditation affect the above scenario? When we make the right connection with the divine, we are able to draw on unlimited stocks of goodwill. This produces a generosity of spirit from which appreciation of others radiates as a natural consequence. If the boss had been a meditator, he could not have become so disrespectful and unfeeling.
And the secretary? It might seem paradoxical, but meditation, by helping her to maintain her self-esteem internally, would free her of any need for her boss's love and appreciation. Her attitude would be that she was doing the work for her own satisfaction, and for the feeling that what she was doing was right and must bring its own return in its own time.
If at some point her boss were suddenly to recognize what a jewel she was, and change his behaviour towards her, that would of course be fine. She wouldn't be begging for it, but her patience and tolerance would increase the chances of its happening. If she decided there was a better use of her time and energy elsewhere that would also be fine. She would leave according to her own standards of decent behaviour, without an outburst of rage or recrimination.
But for as long as the job still suited her, she might decide to stay put, rather than be pushed into quitting - perhaps into a worse situation - by feelings of resentment and frustration.
Meditation helps us to keep our cool, greatly increasing the chances that we will judge situations correctly and act in ways that build a good future, rather than destroy what we have already earned.
The give and take in our actions and relationships is known in the East as karma. Although the currency of this exchange is invisible, we can think of our relationships as entailing investments and withdrawals, as in a bank account or a business. If I withdraw more than I invest, there will be trouble.
For example, an executive is travelling a lot and his secretary deals with a huge amount of work while he is away. Instead of acknowledging how much his success depends on her loyalty and accuracy, and the responsibility she is fulfilling, he remains obsessed with his sales figures. Such a situation can only go on for so long. Usually, there'll come a moment when, after giving so much, the lack of appreciation becomes intolerable. The loyal worker will suddenly quit, perhaps leaving chaos in her wake.
Appreciation, to an accountant, means an increase in the value of assets. In the same way, appreciation within relationships increases their durability and value. It's a positive energy, which, when invested well, adds to our stock of that invaluable asset - goodwill.
How would meditation affect the above scenario? When we make the right connection with the divine, we are able to draw on unlimited stocks of goodwill. This produces a generosity of spirit from which appreciation of others radiates as a natural consequence. If the boss had been a meditator, he could not have become so disrespectful and unfeeling.
And the secretary? It might seem paradoxical, but meditation, by helping her to maintain her self-esteem internally, would free her of any need for her boss's love and appreciation. Her attitude would be that she was doing the work for her own satisfaction, and for the feeling that what she was doing was right and must bring its own return in its own time.
If at some point her boss were suddenly to recognize what a jewel she was, and change his behaviour towards her, that would of course be fine. She wouldn't be begging for it, but her patience and tolerance would increase the chances of its happening. If she decided there was a better use of her time and energy elsewhere that would also be fine. She would leave according to her own standards of decent behaviour, without an outburst of rage or recrimination.
But for as long as the job still suited her, she might decide to stay put, rather than be pushed into quitting - perhaps into a worse situation - by feelings of resentment and frustration.
Meditation helps us to keep our cool, greatly increasing the chances that we will judge situations correctly and act in ways that build a good future, rather than destroy what we have already earned.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Possessiveness and Dependency
Close personal relationships offer some of the biggest challenges to our ability to sustain peace and positivity. This is connected with the fact that family intimacy, while capable of being a source of inspiration and joy, can also bring about possessiveness and dependency. These are widespread diseases of the spirit in today's world, but can be cured by meditation.
A tell-tale symptom of these diseases is lack of courtesy. Our nearest and dearest become victims of behaviours which we would not dream of showing towards people with whom we are less familiar. It's not just a question of manners, but of respect.
So often, a hierarchy of relationships becomes established in which, for example, the father takes it for granted that he will be listened to by the mother - or vice versa. Or an older brother orders around a younger family member, not giving the sibling space in which to speak his or her own mind. Once established, these patterns tend to be carried with us through life, so that even when we have left the original family setting, we bring the same tendencies into our new relationships.
Meditation brings a very different element into the picture. As I become aware of myself as an eternal soul, an actor on the stage of the world, the realization grows that the role I am playing with others now is only one part of the whole.
I don't know where I was before I took this birth, nor where I will be afterwards. The same is true for those with whom I am close. I do have a particular responsibility towards them whilst we are playing our parts together, but this only lasts a short time within eternity. As husband and wife, for example, each has a particular role today, but who knows about yesterday or tomorrow?
In meditation, I stabilize in the consciousness that I am an eternal soul, and that all human beings are souls, members of a huge, all-embracing family. Roles will change, but as souls, we are brothers - we have no other relationship. When I bring this consciousness into family life, it provides a positive and secure foundation for everyday interactions. Renewing the awareness of eternal truths protects against limited feelings of 'my' husband, 'my' wife, 'my' son, and so on, where such feelings signify possessiveness and a desire to control, rather than family unity and loyalty.
I still have my own unique role to play. But misunderstanding and suffering are reduced when the part in me that tries to control others, or that abandons control to others, is left behind. Both of these are essentially negative behaviours, born of insecurity, not true responsibility or love.
By knowing myself as a soul in relationship with the Supreme, my self-respect returns. There is an inner detachment, and the feeling that here on the stage, I, the soul, am alone - it is just a role that I play here with others. From this strong vantage-point, I'll no longer feel a need to manipulate others, but instead will bring pure feelings of genuine love and appreciation into my relationships
Close personal relationships offer some of the biggest challenges to our ability to sustain peace and positivity. This is connected with the fact that family intimacy, while capable of being a source of inspiration and joy, can also bring about possessiveness and dependency. These are widespread diseases of the spirit in today's world, but can be cured by meditation.
A tell-tale symptom of these diseases is lack of courtesy. Our nearest and dearest become victims of behaviours which we would not dream of showing towards people with whom we are less familiar. It's not just a question of manners, but of respect.
So often, a hierarchy of relationships becomes established in which, for example, the father takes it for granted that he will be listened to by the mother - or vice versa. Or an older brother orders around a younger family member, not giving the sibling space in which to speak his or her own mind. Once established, these patterns tend to be carried with us through life, so that even when we have left the original family setting, we bring the same tendencies into our new relationships.
Meditation brings a very different element into the picture. As I become aware of myself as an eternal soul, an actor on the stage of the world, the realization grows that the role I am playing with others now is only one part of the whole.
I don't know where I was before I took this birth, nor where I will be afterwards. The same is true for those with whom I am close. I do have a particular responsibility towards them whilst we are playing our parts together, but this only lasts a short time within eternity. As husband and wife, for example, each has a particular role today, but who knows about yesterday or tomorrow?
In meditation, I stabilize in the consciousness that I am an eternal soul, and that all human beings are souls, members of a huge, all-embracing family. Roles will change, but as souls, we are brothers - we have no other relationship. When I bring this consciousness into family life, it provides a positive and secure foundation for everyday interactions. Renewing the awareness of eternal truths protects against limited feelings of 'my' husband, 'my' wife, 'my' son, and so on, where such feelings signify possessiveness and a desire to control, rather than family unity and loyalty.
I still have my own unique role to play. But misunderstanding and suffering are reduced when the part in me that tries to control others, or that abandons control to others, is left behind. Both of these are essentially negative behaviours, born of insecurity, not true responsibility or love.
By knowing myself as a soul in relationship with the Supreme, my self-respect returns. There is an inner detachment, and the feeling that here on the stage, I, the soul, am alone - it is just a role that I play here with others. From this strong vantage-point, I'll no longer feel a need to manipulate others, but instead will bring pure feelings of genuine love and appreciation into my relationships
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Meditation and Communication
Meditation charges the battery of the soul, making available a positive energy that increases my capacity for creating positive and fruitful connections and relationships with others.
Connecting my mind with God is like plugging into a mains electricity supply. The energy received, vertically, from the Supreme Being - unlimited peace, love, purity, wisdom and joy - flows out horizontally into my actions and relationships.
The love and wisdom I receive from God enable me to love know and understand myself. The sense of God's pure good wishes enables me to respect myself. Communion with God answers my questions about myself, and brings me peace and fulfillment.
When I communicate with others from this stable space, it is as though my meaning is carried on a wave of goodwill, easily reaching the other person or persons. The meeting of minds precedes the transfer of meaning! In contrast, communication is difficult when I don't like and understand myself.My confusion and lack of self-respect, triggers confusion in others.
Meditation charges the battery of the soul, making available a positive energy that increases my capacity for creating positive and fruitful connections and relationships with others.
Connecting my mind with God is like plugging into a mains electricity supply. The energy received, vertically, from the Supreme Being - unlimited peace, love, purity, wisdom and joy - flows out horizontally into my actions and relationships.
The love and wisdom I receive from God enable me to love know and understand myself. The sense of God's pure good wishes enables me to respect myself. Communion with God answers my questions about myself, and brings me peace and fulfillment.
When I communicate with others from this stable space, it is as though my meaning is carried on a wave of goodwill, easily reaching the other person or persons. The meeting of minds precedes the transfer of meaning! In contrast, communication is difficult when I don't like and understand myself.My confusion and lack of self-respect, triggers confusion in others.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cleanliness of Attitude
The light of meditation brings clarity to the self, about the self. This helps me to communicate much more clearly than when I am not sure what is going on inside me. Effective communication promotes understanding, and strengthens relationships.
More importantly, relationships are also connected with attitude and vision. Sometimes, I may feel I have said and done the right things, yet still someone is not behaving towards me as I would wish. It is valuable at such times to check my attitude towards that person and the vision with which I am seeing them.
I may find a slight feeling of disapproval, a resistance to something in their personality. Neither of us may be conscious of it, but this feeling casts a shadow on the other person. They are not receiving the acceptance or respect that they should, and that influences their ability to hear me, and the way they behave towards me.
The discipline of meditation enables me to clean out my thoughts, feelings and attitudes, ensuring that what I share with others is positive. Then it is much easier for others to connect with me in a positive way.
The light of meditation brings clarity to the self, about the self. This helps me to communicate much more clearly than when I am not sure what is going on inside me. Effective communication promotes understanding, and strengthens relationships.
More importantly, relationships are also connected with attitude and vision. Sometimes, I may feel I have said and done the right things, yet still someone is not behaving towards me as I would wish. It is valuable at such times to check my attitude towards that person and the vision with which I am seeing them.
I may find a slight feeling of disapproval, a resistance to something in their personality. Neither of us may be conscious of it, but this feeling casts a shadow on the other person. They are not receiving the acceptance or respect that they should, and that influences their ability to hear me, and the way they behave towards me.
The discipline of meditation enables me to clean out my thoughts, feelings and attitudes, ensuring that what I share with others is positive. Then it is much easier for others to connect with me in a positive way.
Friday, October 9, 2009
God The Goldsmith
The Goldsmith
Remembering God as the Goldsmith and Jeweller is to invite total purification of the soul. A real jeweller doesn't like artificial materials. He'll obtain pure gold from low-quality alloy by heating the metal in a furnace. Furthermore, he doesn't want to see a single flaw - he knows how much it reduces a precious stone's value.
Meditation is like a fire of purification. I put myself into God's care, with love and humility, knowing this is the way to bring out the best in me. God the Goldsmith makes Sure that all the impurities, the false and artificial aspects of my personality, are removed.
Courage and faith are needed to undergo this transformation, because there comes a point where the metal has lost its previous form, but hasn't yet been reshaped into something new. I may find myself in a fluid, formless, in between state, neither one thing nor the other.
I have let go of the support my previous identity and position gave me, and haven't yet developed the new role I would like to play. I am also more aware than ever of the rubbish mixed in the soul as it separates out from that which is real and true in me. As soon as I say I want to change, it's a challenge to the forces of negativity, within and without, to come and test me.
At such times, complete faith in the craftsmanship of the Supreme is needed. I know I am in God's skilful hands and that the process will produce something of great value. The challenge is simply to stay still.
The intensity of my love for God increases ... it becomes like a fire, cleansing the soul ... I realize that I had accumulated so much impurity, so much that was negative and artificial ... the fire draws this out of me, and it leaves me ... I let go of physical aspects of identity, knowing these are, in any case, impermanent ... it
feels like I have nothing, but I see that I am becoming light, and free from burdens ... God's love is purifying me ... I emerge from the fire as pure gold ... staying in the hands of the Jeweller, as a child of God, I know that my original beauty is being restored.
Remembering God as the Goldsmith and Jeweller is to invite total purification of the soul. A real jeweller doesn't like artificial materials. He'll obtain pure gold from low-quality alloy by heating the metal in a furnace. Furthermore, he doesn't want to see a single flaw - he knows how much it reduces a precious stone's value.
Meditation is like a fire of purification. I put myself into God's care, with love and humility, knowing this is the way to bring out the best in me. God the Goldsmith makes Sure that all the impurities, the false and artificial aspects of my personality, are removed.
Courage and faith are needed to undergo this transformation, because there comes a point where the metal has lost its previous form, but hasn't yet been reshaped into something new. I may find myself in a fluid, formless, in between state, neither one thing nor the other.
I have let go of the support my previous identity and position gave me, and haven't yet developed the new role I would like to play. I am also more aware than ever of the rubbish mixed in the soul as it separates out from that which is real and true in me. As soon as I say I want to change, it's a challenge to the forces of negativity, within and without, to come and test me.
At such times, complete faith in the craftsmanship of the Supreme is needed. I know I am in God's skilful hands and that the process will produce something of great value. The challenge is simply to stay still.
The intensity of my love for God increases ... it becomes like a fire, cleansing the soul ... I realize that I had accumulated so much impurity, so much that was negative and artificial ... the fire draws this out of me, and it leaves me ... I let go of physical aspects of identity, knowing these are, in any case, impermanent ... it
feels like I have nothing, but I see that I am becoming light, and free from burdens ... God's love is purifying me ... I emerge from the fire as pure gold ... staying in the hands of the Jeweller, as a child of God, I know that my original beauty is being restored.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Mother and Father
The relationship can develop at many levels. For example, particularly at the beginning and end of the day, there is special value in relating to God as my spiritual parent. Giving time to a sweet inner conversation and loving experience with my Supreme Father and Mother, I become equipped with the emotional resources needed to stay strong in the face of life's challenges.
Physical parents do their best but at the human level, the impressions left on our minds by childhood years are often mixed. So, I leave aside all those memories, good and bad, and in soul-consciousness I find I can draw on such an unlimited source of goodness as to make God the perfect parent.
As the Supreme Father, God is like the sun, radiating the energy of truth, helping me grow with the creative power of His being. In the stillness of the early morning, I feel His warmth and light awakening me, pushing away the shadows of my body-consciousness, charging the battery of truth within me. His power shines into my being, protecting, guiding and strengthening me.
When I focus on God as the spiritual Mother, I am empowered by a flow of love, mercy and acceptance that is unconditional and unending. In this relationship, God personifies the feminine principle, nurturing with tenderness and care, able to give constantly without any other agenda. This Supreme Mother also forgives, enabling me to learn from my mistakes. It's beautiful to go to God as the Mother in the evening, put the day in front of Her, feel Her acceptance and guidance, and become free from all burdens.
The relationship can develop at many levels. For example, particularly at the beginning and end of the day, there is special value in relating to God as my spiritual parent. Giving time to a sweet inner conversation and loving experience with my Supreme Father and Mother, I become equipped with the emotional resources needed to stay strong in the face of life's challenges.
Physical parents do their best but at the human level, the impressions left on our minds by childhood years are often mixed. So, I leave aside all those memories, good and bad, and in soul-consciousness I find I can draw on such an unlimited source of goodness as to make God the perfect parent.
As the Supreme Father, God is like the sun, radiating the energy of truth, helping me grow with the creative power of His being. In the stillness of the early morning, I feel His warmth and light awakening me, pushing away the shadows of my body-consciousness, charging the battery of truth within me. His power shines into my being, protecting, guiding and strengthening me.
When I focus on God as the spiritual Mother, I am empowered by a flow of love, mercy and acceptance that is unconditional and unending. In this relationship, God personifies the feminine principle, nurturing with tenderness and care, able to give constantly without any other agenda. This Supreme Mother also forgives, enabling me to learn from my mistakes. It's beautiful to go to God as the Mother in the evening, put the day in front of Her, feel Her acceptance and guidance, and become free from all burdens.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Shantivan, Abu Road: The international spiritual organization Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya will be organizing a Global Festival aiming at a world-wide awareness of realization of divine powers and natural inheritance of divine boons and blessings from the Almighty Authority. The two-day festival will commence from 3-4th October 2009 and will continue through a 50-day celebrations and programmes on ‘RECEIVING DIVINE POWERS THROUGH DIVINE BLESSINGS’ with a Grand Finale on 22nd November 2009 .
Disclosing this, Secretary General of the Brahma Kumaris B.K. Nirwair said that for the first time in the history of Brahma Kumaris such a unique spiritual programme is being organized at a global level.
Icon of divinity and Chief Administrative head of Brahma Kumaris Rajyogini Dadi Dadi Janaki Ji, Special messenger of God and Additional Chief Administrative Head Rajyogini Dadi Hridaymohini Ji, Joint Chief Administrative Head Dadi Ratan Mohini Ji, supported by a large number of Senior Rajyogi and Rajyogini brothers and sisters of around the world who have acquired an experience of deep sense of divinity through intense spiritual efforts would be the Chief Speakers empowering all God’s children in the realization and experience of divine powers and blessings.
The preparations are on for the launch of this maiden programme which will be held simultaneously at all the major cities like Delhi, Kolkota, Mumbai, Chennai,Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Raipur, Jaipur, Bhuwaneshwar, Patna, Guwahati and Ranchi etc on 3rd and 4th October 2009 on the same theme and at the same time. This programme is aimed at transmitting positive vibrations to create a pure spiritual environment all over through a series of powerful meditation experiences.
An added attraction of these celebrations is the direct Live telecast by Aastha, Sanskar and various other regional and spiritual channels at national and regional levels for the benefit of the masses.
Global Festival
Receiving God’s Powers & Blessings
Saturday, 3rd October 2009, 3:30 pm
Gayatri Vihar, Palace Grounds, Bangalore
Festival Highlights:
- Vision of Divinity
- Inauguration by Hon'ble. Chief Minister of Karnataka Sri B.S. Yediyurappa
- Blessings by Maha Tapaswani Dadi Ratan Mohiniji & Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanath Swamiji
- Music by Dr. C Aswath & Party, & dance performance by Usha Datar group
- Meditation for world peace
You are warmly invited to be part of a special gathering to participate in re-creating a perfect world. We can receive God’s powers by remembering Him with love and earn His blessings by adopting a righteous way of life. When we take powers from God and use it in the right way, we receive His blessings.
This year Brahma Kumaris is launching a “Global Festival for receiving God’s Powers & Blessings” on 3rd Oct across 16 Capital Cities in India. This festival will then be celebrated across the Globe till 22nd Nov 2009; thus making it truly a global festival. For more details, visit www.globalfestival.
The Organisers
The Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya was founded in 1937. It is an international socio-spiritual organization, which holds consultative status with Economic and Social Council and UNICEF of the United Nations. The organization has over 8500 branches in 130 countries. Its headquarters is in Mount Abu, Rajasthan. The Brahma Kumaris is providing education for self empowerment through human values and spirituality. It conducts a variety of values based programmes and courses for different professions. It teaches Godly Knowledge and Rajayoga Meditation which are the foundation for lasting peace and happiness in individual lives and to create a better society. World Renewal Spiritual Trust (Regd.), a sister organisation of the Brahma Kumaris is a co-organiser.
Chamarajpet | Ph.No.65992821/
Kumara Park West | Ph.No.23443988/
Basavanagudi | Ph.No.26674562/
For more details, dial, 9901211991, 9448562434
* * * Admission Free * * *
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Making the Connection
In meditation, I move my consciousness away from the body, into the awareness of the soul, so that my mind can go beyond the distractions of the physical world and into that realm of infinite light, which is the spiritual dimension. There, I focus my mind on God as a point of light, and allow myself to connect with the qualities of the Supreme.
I encounter a mind that is an ocean of peace, and of love. There is also an intelligence, holding all wisdom, with an infinite capacity for understanding; and a complete benevo-lence, never demanding, only bestowing.
Let's experiment with this. It's useful, first, to designate a specific place in your home as your meditation corner or room, so that it develops the right associations. As far as possible, it should be quiet and comfortable, and without distractions.
Sitting up straight, gazing ahead, but with your attention turned inwards, try the following thoughts. You may read them at first, but then just gently lead your mind in a similar direction:
I take a few long, deep breaths ... as I observe myself doing so, I can feel my thoughts slowing down ... within my mind, I create the image of my eternal Identity the spark of light, the lift in this physical costume I detach my consciousness from its identification with matter and come to the awareness of the eternal being ... with the power of my mind, I, the soul move into a realm of light, beyond all physical pulls ... in this place of light I come to the Supreme ... I see the Supreme as a point of light, an infinitesimal spark ... from the Supreme, I begin to feel waves of peace and love reaching me ... after such a long time, it’s so refreshing ... I'm connecting again with the Supreme ... and as waves of peace surround me, I absorb peace within my being . . . radiate peace into the world.
Keeping the connection with the ocean of peace, I carry peace with me as I return to the awareness of my physical surroundings. I can practise, in turn, connecting with God as the ocean of peace, of love, of wisdom, of purity, and of bliss. God's attributes are said to be as vast as the ocean, but these five qualities contain the essence. And when the soul fills with these qualities in meditation, it is able to experience its own highest nature.
In the physical world, opposites attract; in the spiritual domain, like connects with like. This is why the first step in meditation is to practise soul-consciousness, through which I'm able to discipline my mind and create a degree of peace within myself. Then I'll be able to connect with God quickly, when I wish, and receive the experience of those unlimited qualities.
So, soul-consciousness not only allows me to begin to understand God, it tunes my mind to the right frequency for experiencing God and the qualities of the divine.
If, through the day, my mind has been caught in the flux of people and events and has become restless, peaceless, and probably unfeeling as well, I'll have driven myself far from God and the connection will be harder to make. When I live as part of the rat race, becoming mechanical and sub-human in the quality of my thoughts and actions, small wonder that the Source of the highest qualities seems distant. However, bringing myself back to the consciousness of the soul, I'm always able to move in the direction where I can start knowing God.
The connection I make with God is my personal, subjective experience. I can listen to lectures about God, I can read about God, I can hear many beautiful things about God, but only through my own practice of soul-consciousness, and by experimenting with this idea of focusing my mind on the Supreme, can I come to an experience of God and receive the benefit accordingly.
The experience is subjective, but that does not mean God is not a reality. Even in a human relationship, it's my own thoughts and perceptions that connect me with someone. The words I share with them and the actions I engage in with them come later, but first it's a connection of minds. The closer the connection of minds, the deeper and more rewarding will be the exchange within the relationship.
The same is true of my relationship with God. In my mind, I envisage the Supreme as a point of light, a seed of vast potential like myself, although in God's case the ultimate Seed, with the highest attributes. Through this mental connection, I attune to the qualities inherent in the Supreme.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
October 4th . 2009. Mumbai,
On Screen.
On Screen.
The Slide Advertisement will be displayed before every Film Show and During Interval Time for 10 Seconds.
-BK Nikunj
Conference for Nursing Professionals.
Holistic Health Conference for Nursing Professionals.
at Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan.
Caring, Sharing & Inspiring Core Values for Better Nursing Care
18th to 22nd September, 2009.
About 4000 nurses from all over India, Holland-Nepal came to attend this special Holistic Health Conference. Brahma Kumaris organised such conferences for nurses for the past 20 years. However in this period of human history, it is essential to have and implement a broad
vision on human suffering. This conference is focused on nursing professionals, especially those who have leadership roles – Directors/Principals of Nursing Colleges and Schools, Nursing Tutors, Matrons, Ward
In charges, Staff Nurses. There are opportunities to reflect, explore and discuss how to introduce
new dimensions of Core Values for Better nursing care in their personal life and work. The conference also has workshops to make values practical. Values are Peace, Positivity, Compassion, Co-operation and Honesty. When higher values and spirituality enriches our lives, we are happy and contented. Compassion flows easily and naturally. When there is a lack of contentment, we usually lose sight of values and spirituality and work becomes a burden. As spiritual powers accumulate, nothing can obstruct the experience of pure elevated feelings towards self and others. Values can emerge naturally in our actions and interactions.There are 2 main keys for creating a broad view of human suffering and healing. The first key is to make people aware of their spiritual identity and integrate it in practical life. The second key is to understand the deep connection between illnesses, emotional pain and the loss of spiritual energy. Today the nurses have come to learn once again what it means to have complete health which
the WHO has declared in 1990.That means: “Physical Health, Mental health, Social health and Spiritual health”. These nurses are going to learn the meaning of spiritual health in this conference.
Asst.Chief of Nursing
Global Hospital and Research Centre
Mount Abu-307 501, Rajasthan
Monday, September 21, 2009
Publicity of Global Festival
75 BEST Buses In MUMBAI Displaying Advertisement of
Global Festival For Receiving God’s Powers and Blessings
Be Held On October 4th . 2009 At Shivaji Park. Mumbai .
Global Festival
Global Festival
Receiving God’s Powers and Blessings
From 3rd October to 22 November 2009
From 3rd October to 22 November 2009
Today, our planet earth has become a dangerous place to live. Life has become more unsafe and stressful than ever before. No human agency has been able to restore normalcy. The situation is worsening with each passing day.
For Ages, we human beings have been praying to God for taking us away from this troubled world of stress and turmoil to a world of peace and tranquility.
At long last, in response to our supplications, God, the Kindly Light, has taken mercy on mankind and is bestowing His divine powers and blessings on us to recreate a perfect world for which time has now come (refer Gita).
Now is the golden chance to learn the true knowledge and raja yoga that Incorporeal God Shiva is directly revealing to end all our sufferings.
The Global Festival, opening simultaneously in 16 capital cities of India, has been organised to create awareness about and to celebrate God’s role as the seed of renewal for a coming age of truth and happiness, - Satyuga
Most Cordial Invitation
You are most cordially invited to come and listen to the great Tapasvini Dadiji and distinguished Rajyogis from India and abroad. Come and sample the many experiences to re-energize the spirit and find new direction to change your life.
3rd and 4th October 2009 in capital cities of Bharat
3rd and 4th October 2009 in capital cities of Bharat
Saturday, September 19, 2009
PG Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality
Press Release
PG Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality
Mount Abu: Sept 14, 2009;
A Postgraduate Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality course aimed at making human beings live happier by improving their attitude, character and temperament has been launched by Brahma Kumaris Education Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation in collaboration with Annamalai University. The one year course admission has started and it will be offered in Hindi, English and Tamil.
Candidates with any degree or equivalent from a recognized university are eligible to join the PG Diploma programme. Spot admissions will be made at any of the PCP centers of Brahma kumaris. The last date for admission is October 5. There will be compulsory personal contact programmes in two spells of 7 days each with 8 hours of classes per day.
Attendence certificate is a must to write the examination. Subjects includes value education and spirituality, major religions, consciousness and the Divine, personal development and values in life, meditation and values in society, personal progress and a field project with practical. Students joining this course have to complete it within three years from the date of admission.
This diploma course help to get priority in employment opportunities besides enhancing one’s skills and personal values and virtues like loyalty, integrity honesty in their profession and personal life. It is vied as a great step towards reviving values in the society. Prospectus-cum-application form can be obtained from any of the PCP centers of Brahma Kumaris by paying Rs 100/- in person or through post by sending a demand draft for Rs 150. The course fee is Rs. 3000/- ; processing fee is Rs. 500/-. Drafts may be taken in favor of the Director, DDE, Annamalai University, drawn on service branch at Chennai.
More information about the course can be had from Mr B.K. Pandiamani on +91 94422 22157, Brahma Kumaris, Vishwa Shanti Bhawan, 36 Minakshinagar, Madurai-625017.Email:, or or Dr. R.P. Gupta, Mobile 09001507775, B.K.Suman, Mobile 09413384864, Brahma Kumaris, Om Shanti Bhavan, Mount Abu-307501, Rajasthan, India. Website:
PG Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality
Mount Abu: Sept 14, 2009;
A Postgraduate Diploma in Value Education and Spirituality course aimed at making human beings live happier by improving their attitude, character and temperament has been launched by Brahma Kumaris Education Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation in collaboration with Annamalai University. The one year course admission has started and it will be offered in Hindi, English and Tamil.
Candidates with any degree or equivalent from a recognized university are eligible to join the PG Diploma programme. Spot admissions will be made at any of the PCP centers of Brahma kumaris. The last date for admission is October 5. There will be compulsory personal contact programmes in two spells of 7 days each with 8 hours of classes per day.
Attendence certificate is a must to write the examination. Subjects includes value education and spirituality, major religions, consciousness and the Divine, personal development and values in life, meditation and values in society, personal progress and a field project with practical. Students joining this course have to complete it within three years from the date of admission.
This diploma course help to get priority in employment opportunities besides enhancing one’s skills and personal values and virtues like loyalty, integrity honesty in their profession and personal life. It is vied as a great step towards reviving values in the society. Prospectus-cum-application form can be obtained from any of the PCP centers of Brahma Kumaris by paying Rs 100/- in person or through post by sending a demand draft for Rs 150. The course fee is Rs. 3000/- ; processing fee is Rs. 500/-. Drafts may be taken in favor of the Director, DDE, Annamalai University, drawn on service branch at Chennai.
More information about the course can be had from Mr B.K. Pandiamani on +91 94422 22157, Brahma Kumaris, Vishwa Shanti Bhawan, 36 Minakshinagar, Madurai-625017.Email:, or or Dr. R.P. Gupta, Mobile 09001507775, B.K.Suman, Mobile 09413384864, Brahma Kumaris, Om Shanti Bhavan, Mount Abu-307501, Rajasthan, India. Website:
B.K. Mruthyunjaya
Vice Chairperson,
Brahma Kumaris, Education Wing,
Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation.
BK Brijmohan Bhai on Godly service in NEPAL
Brahmakuamar Brijmohan Bhai ji with His Excellency President and
Rt. Hon'ble Prime Minister in Nepal.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Launching of Festival on Receiving Gods Powers and Blessings
Brahma Kumaris Kathmandu Nepal is celebrating Festival on Receiving Gods Powers and Blessings with a national launching on 20th September 2009 at Kathmandu. It will be inaugurated by Honable Minister for Information and Communication Mr. Shanker Pokharel at Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu. Senior Rajyogi brother Brijmohan will be the special guest speaker, representing the programme from Brahma Kumaris Headquaters PBKWSU. The event will be telecast live from 2-30 pm to 4-30 pm by Nepal Television NTV a Government owned Television.
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris
Zee TV International
Since September 14th
- BK Karuna
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris is being telecast on Zee TV international since 14 September ...
Please Take Maximum Benefit ....
Kindly find below the list of countries where our program on Zee TV
International will reach.
New York, New Jersey, Florida, Michigan, Virginia, Georgia,
Pennsyl Vania, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Ohio, Marlayand
7:00 AM
Texas, Illinois
6:00 AM
4:00 AM
Asia Pacific :
6.30 AM
Hong Kong
7.30 AM
5.30 AM
New Zealand, Singapore,
7.30 AM
4.30 AM
6.30 AM
11:30 AM
6.30 AM
8.30 AM
1:30 AM
Sri Lanka
5.00 AM
6.30 AM
7.30 AM
Middle East :
5.30 AM
5.30 AM
5.30 AM
5.30 AM
6.30 AM
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