Mother and Father
The relationship can develop at many levels. For example, particularly at the beginning and end of the day, there is special value in relating to God as my spiritual parent. Giving time to a sweet inner conversation and loving experience with my Supreme Father and Mother, I become equipped with the emotional resources needed to stay strong in the face of life's challenges.
Physical parents do their best but at the human level, the impressions left on our minds by childhood years are often mixed. So, I leave aside all those memories, good and bad, and in soul-consciousness I find I can draw on such an unlimited source of goodness as to make God the perfect parent.
As the Supreme Father, God is like the sun, radiating the energy of truth, helping me grow with the creative power of His being. In the stillness of the early morning, I feel His warmth and light awakening me, pushing away the shadows of my body-consciousness, charging the battery of truth within me. His power shines into my being, protecting, guiding and strengthening me.
When I focus on God as the spiritual Mother, I am empowered by a flow of love, mercy and acceptance that is unconditional and unending. In this relationship, God personifies the feminine principle, nurturing with tenderness and care, able to give constantly without any other agenda. This Supreme Mother also forgives, enabling me to learn from my mistakes. It's beautiful to go to God as the Mother in the evening, put the day in front of Her, feel Her acceptance and guidance, and become free from all burdens.
The relationship can develop at many levels. For example, particularly at the beginning and end of the day, there is special value in relating to God as my spiritual parent. Giving time to a sweet inner conversation and loving experience with my Supreme Father and Mother, I become equipped with the emotional resources needed to stay strong in the face of life's challenges.
Physical parents do their best but at the human level, the impressions left on our minds by childhood years are often mixed. So, I leave aside all those memories, good and bad, and in soul-consciousness I find I can draw on such an unlimited source of goodness as to make God the perfect parent.
As the Supreme Father, God is like the sun, radiating the energy of truth, helping me grow with the creative power of His being. In the stillness of the early morning, I feel His warmth and light awakening me, pushing away the shadows of my body-consciousness, charging the battery of truth within me. His power shines into my being, protecting, guiding and strengthening me.
When I focus on God as the spiritual Mother, I am empowered by a flow of love, mercy and acceptance that is unconditional and unending. In this relationship, God personifies the feminine principle, nurturing with tenderness and care, able to give constantly without any other agenda. This Supreme Mother also forgives, enabling me to learn from my mistakes. It's beautiful to go to God as the Mother in the evening, put the day in front of Her, feel Her acceptance and guidance, and become free from all burdens.