Tuesday, September 22, 2009

8 Multiplex & Theaters  Display Advertisement Of  Mega Programme 
October 4th . 2009. Mumbai,
 On  Screen.

The Slide Advertisement will be displayed before every Film Show and During Interval Time for 10 Seconds.

  -BK Nikunj                

Conference for Nursing Professionals.

Holistic Health Conference for Nursing Professionals.

at Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan.

Caring, Sharing & Inspiring Core Values for Better Nursing Care
18th to 22nd September, 2009.

About 4000 nurses from all over India, Holland-Nepal came to attend this special Holistic Health Conference. Brahma Kumaris organised such conferences for nurses for the past 20 years. However in this period of human history, it is essential to have and implement a broad
vision on human suffering. This conference is focused on nursing professionals, especially those who have leadership roles – Directors/Principals of Nursing Colleges and Schools, Nursing Tutors, Matrons, Ward
In charges, Staff Nurses. There are opportunities to reflect, explore and discuss how to introduce
new dimensions of Core Values for Better nursing care in their personal life and work. The conference also has workshops to make values practical. Values are Peace, Positivity, Compassion, Co-operation and Honesty. When higher values and spirituality enriches our lives, we are happy and contented. Compassion flows easily and naturally. When there is a lack of contentment, we usually lose sight of values and spirituality and work becomes a burden. As spiritual powers accumulate, nothing can obstruct the experience of pure elevated feelings towards self and others. Values can emerge naturally in our actions and interactions.There are 2 main keys for creating a broad view of human suffering and healing. The first key is to make people aware of their spiritual identity and integrate it in practical life. The second key is to understand the deep connection between illnesses, emotional pain and the loss of spiritual energy. Today the nurses have come to learn once again what it means to have complete health which
the WHO has declared in 1990.That means: “Physical Health, Mental health, Social health and Spiritual health”. These nurses are going to learn the meaning of spiritual health in this conference.
Asst.Chief of Nursing
Global Hospital and Research Centre
Mount Abu-307 501, Rajasthan

Monday, September 21, 2009

Publicity of Global Festival

       75 BEST Buses In  MUMBAI  Displaying Advertisement  of 
     Global Festival For Receiving God’s Powers and Blessings
  Be Held On October 4th . 2009 At Shivaji Park. Mumbai . 


Global Festival

Global Festival
Receiving God’s Powers and Blessings
From 3rd October to 22 November 2009

Today, our planet earth has become a dangerous place to live.  Life has become more unsafe and stressful than ever before.  No human agency has been able to restore normalcy.  The situation is worsening with each passing day.

For Ages, we human beings have been praying to God for taking us away from this troubled world of stress and turmoil to a world of peace and tranquility.

At long last, in response to our supplications, God, the Kindly Light, has taken mercy on mankind and is bestowing His divine powers and blessings on us to recreate a perfect world for which time has now come (refer Gita).

Now is the golden chance to learn the true knowledge and raja yoga that Incorporeal God Shiva is directly revealing to end all our sufferings.
The Global Festival, opening simultaneously in 16 capital cities of India, has been organised to create awareness about and to celebrate God’s role as the seed of renewal for a coming age of truth and happiness, - Satyuga

Most Cordial Invitation
You are most cordially invited to come and listen to the great Tapasvini Dadiji and distinguished Rajyogis from India and abroad.  Come and sample the many experiences to re-energize the spirit and find new direction to change your life.

rd and 4th October 2009 in capital cities of Bharat