Friday, October 16, 2009

Cleanliness of Attitude
The light of meditation brings clarity to the self, about the self. This helps me to communicate much more clearly than when I am not sure what is going on inside me. Effective communication promotes understanding, and strengthens relationships.
   More importantly, relationships are also connected with attitude and vision. Sometimes, I may feel I have said and done the right things, yet still someone is not behaving towards me as I would wish. It is valuable at such times to check my attitude towards that person and the vision with which I am seeing them.
   I may find a slight feeling of disapproval, a resistance to something in their personality. Neither of us may be conscious of it, but this feeling casts a shadow on the other person. They are not receiving the acceptance or respect that they should, and that influences their ability to hear me, and the way they behave towards me.
The discipline of meditation enables me to clean out my thoughts, feelings and attitudes, ensuring that what I share with others is positive. Then it is much easier for others to connect with me in a positive way.