Sunday, September 27, 2009

                                                Making the Connection

        In meditation, I move my consciousness away from the body, into the awareness of the soul, so that my mind can go beyond the distractions of the physical world and into that realm of infinite light, which is the spiritual dimension. There, I focus my mind on God as a point of light, and allow myself to connect with the qualities of the Supreme.

     I encounter a mind that is an ocean of peace, and of love. There is also an intelligence, holding all wisdom, with an infinite capacity for understanding; and a complete benevo-lence, never demanding, only bestowing.
Let's experiment with this. It's useful, first, to designate a specific place in your home as your meditation corner or room, so that it develops the right associations. As far as possible, it should be quiet and comfortable, and without distractions.
Sitting up straight, gazing ahead, but with your attention turned inwards, try the following thoughts. You may read them at first, but then just gently lead your mind in a similar direction:
 I take a few long, deep breaths ... as I observe myself doing so, I can feel my thoughts slowing down ... within my mind, I create the image of my eternal Identity the spark of light, the lift in this physical  costume I detach my consciousness from its identification with matter and come to the awareness of the eternal being ... with the power of my mind, I, the soul move into a realm of light, beyond all physical pulls ... in this place of light I come to the Supreme ... I see the Supreme as a point of light, an infinitesimal spark ... from the Supreme, I begin to feel waves of peace and love reaching me ... after such a long time, it’s so refreshing ... I'm connecting again with the Supreme ... and as waves of peace surround me, I absorb peace within my being . . . radiate peace into the world.
Keeping the connection with the ocean of peace, I carry peace with me as I return to the awareness of my physical surroundings. I can practise, in turn, connecting with God as the ocean of peace, of love, of wisdom, of purity, and of bliss. God's attributes are said to be as vast as the ocean, but these five qualities contain the essence. And when the soul fills with these qualities in meditation, it is able to experience its own highest nature.
   In the physical world, opposites attract; in the spiritual domain, like connects with like. This is why the first step in meditation is to practise soul-consciousness, through which I'm able to discipline my mind and create a degree of peace within myself. Then I'll be able to connect with God quickly, when I wish, and receive the experience of those unlimited qualities.
   So, soul-consciousness not only allows me to begin to understand God, it tunes my mind to the right frequency for experiencing God and the qualities of the divine.
If, through the day, my mind has been caught in the flux of people and events and has become restless, peaceless, and probably unfeeling as well, I'll have driven myself far from God and the connection will be harder to make. When I live as part of the rat race, becoming mechanical and sub-human in the quality of my thoughts and actions, small wonder that the Source of the highest qualities seems distant. However, bringing myself back to the consciousness of the soul, I'm always able to move in the direction where I can start knowing God.
The connection I make with God is my personal, subjective experience. I can listen to lectures about God, I can read about God, I can hear many beautiful things about God, but only through my own practice of soul-consciousness, and by experimenting with this idea of focusing my mind on the Supreme, can I come to an experience of God and receive the benefit accordingly.
  The experience is subjective, but that does not mean God is not a reality. Even in a human relationship, it's my own thoughts and perceptions that connect me with someone. The words I share with them and the actions I engage in with them come later, but first it's a connection of minds. The closer the connection of minds, the deeper and more rewarding will be the exchange within the relationship.
   The same is true of my relationship with God. In my mind, I envisage the Supreme as a point of light, a seed of vast potential like myself, although in God's case the ultimate Seed, with the highest attributes. Through this mental connection, I attune to the qualities inherent in the Supreme.

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